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Il programma della conferenza che si svolgerà a Firenze, Palazzo Medici Riccasrdi, il 14 dicembre 2012
QAGI/EGOCREANET will co-organize the following Conference
with the Endorsement of the Province of Florence
Firenze, December 14th, 2012
Venue c/o sala Pistelli - Province of Florence
via Cavour 1, Firenze - www.palazzo-medici.it
The objective of the conference is to strengthen and enhance the commitment of QAGI in promoting the ECO-ECONOMY and to launch world wide the project:
(in achronym : Q.AR.te = Quantum & AR for “te”rritorial and/or “te”matic marketing)
Q.AR.te project–idea will be a start –up, oriented to join both innovative project linking research in art innovation and companies to the use of “Augmented Reality “ to strengthen the partnership between Science and Art Communities in Internet and in improving the world wide artistic promotion of ECO-ECONOMY.
The Conference will be held in the prestigious antique hall “Luca Pistelli” located in Palazzo Medici Riccardi (Via Cavour 1 - FIRENZE), headquarters of the province of Florence (IT).
Tha date of the conference will be 14th/DECEMBER/2012 (h 9-00-18-00)
Languages of the conference both : English and Italian
CALL FOR PAPERS and Search for Partners:
The Committee Members of the “Future Horizons of Quantum Art and Augmented Reality” conference will invite a select group of artists/scientists to respond to both the topics and to present a paper and/or to show artist performances
OPENING LECTURE : Prof. Marco Bellandi Pro-vice chancellor Knowledge Transfer
Paolo Manzelli – Email: egocreanet2012@gmail.com - Mobile: +39.335.6760004
Roberto Denti – Email: roder53@gmail.com -
Daniela Biganzoli – Email: daniela.biganzoli@gmail.com -
Giuliana Guazzaroni – Email: giuliana.guazzaroni@gmail.com -
Luca Mattesini - I2T3-Onlus luca.mattesini@i2t3.unifi.it
Lecturers :
Li Jin: “Catturare l'energia dell'anima, per far brillare la verità nell'arte” - "Capturing the energy of soul, to make the truth in art shine".
Trettnak Wolfgang “Arte quantistica ed oggetti luminescenti” - “Lumen, luminis" performance.
Roberto Denti: “ Il ruolo Internazionale dell’Arte Quantistica” - "The International role of Quantum Art".
Alberto D’Atanasio: “Simbolum” - "Simbolum".
Daniela Biganzoli: “Quantum Art come scintilla del cambiamento” - "Quantum Art as a spark for change”.
Massimo Pregnolato: “L'espressione poetica quantistica” - "The quantum poetic expression".
Fabio Bottaini: “Ecto Musica” - "Ecto Music".
Giuliana Guazzaroni: “Conoscere la realtà aumentata in un contesto innovativo, economico e sociale nuovo” – “Getting to know augmented reality in a new and innovative economic and social context”.
Alessandro Seri: “La cultura come volano dell’economia di un territorio” – “Culture as a driver of the economy of a territory”.
Marcello De Luca: “Design, arte quantistica e realtà aumentata” - "Design, quantum art and augmented reality".
Pier Luigi Albini: "Esplorazioni per un'estetica nuova" - " Exploring a new aesthetic".
Piero Antonio Bernabei: “Vecchi e nuovi orizzonti” - "Old and new horizons" (performance).
Paolo Manzelli: “Q.AR.te - Nuovi orizzonti dell’Arte Quantistica e della sua disseminazione in realtà aumentata” - "Q.AR.t – Quantum Art new horizons and its dissemination in augmented reality"
1) Adam Accademia Delle Arti Macerata (www.adamaccademia.it)
2) ARTE e SCIENZA: (http://www.steppa.net/html/scienza_arte/scienza_arte.htm)
3) Media Partner (http://dabpensiero.wordpress.com/)
4) Wolfgang Trettknak (http://www.trettnak.com/index.php?setlang=en)
5) MDN Mediterranea Design Network (http://www.designmdn.com/)
6) TG-Dragon Sculpture & Painting Gallery – Suzhou (http://baike.baidu.com/view/3347112.htm)
NOTES on “Q.AR.te” start-up program:
The Project “Q.AR.te” Tetrritorial or Tematics Start Up Program is designed by QAGI/EGOCREANET for living a cultural contribution to EUROPE 2020.
The mission of “Q.AR.te” will be focused on societal challenges through facilitating strategic international cooperation, in various territorial –cultural locations, to advance in global society innovation. Following the mission of the Quantum Art Movement (QAGI). Actions will respond:
a) to overcoming the economic crisis, to invest in future creativity and innovation growth in art, science and technology in order to improve the world wide knowledge society
b) to strengthening the Quantum Art culture dissemination through Augmented Reality, and to addressing peoples’ concerns about changing their livelihoods, to better quality of life and environment in order to enhance a global ECO-ECONOMY strategy.
c) networking activities of “Q.AR.te” project will be centered in developing “Quantum Art & AR” entangled performances focused on science & Society Thematic for sharing social change, creativity and innovation all over the world.

24/11/2012 14.48
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