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Città Metropolitana di Firenze
2 agosto, il Bike sharing di Firenze piace all'Europa sostenibile
L'iniziativa rilanciata da Iclei
Debutta il 2 agosto il bike sharing a flusso libero made in Florence. Con biciclette dotate di Gps e facilmente identificabili grazie al loro telaio in alluminio, le ruote arancioni, il sellino e il cestino neri. L'iniziativa è stata rilanciata da Iclei, l'associazione internazionale senza scopo di lucro di città e governi locali con sede a Bruxelles e dedicata allo sviluppo sostenibile, alla quale ha aderito la Città Metropolitana di Firenze. Iclei è l'unica rete a livello globale costituita da oltre 1500 amministrazioni locali (città, aree metropolitane, regioni) dedicata alla costruzione di un futuro sostenibile incentrato sulla riduzione delle emissioni in atmosfera, resilienza, ecomobilità, biodiversità e impiego efficiente delle risorse.

Ecco di seguito il comunicato di Iclei pubblicato sul sito web dell'associazione all'indirizzo:

A brand new stationless bike-share system to enhance sustainable mobility in Florence
Transportation in Florence just got smarter and more inclusive. The City of Florence announced their initiative to gradually import 8,000 bikes into the city, for an extensive bike-share program, beginning August 2, 2017.
The “free flow”, or “free roaming”, program does not require fixed bike stations or docks, where users must pick up and drop off a bike: bikes can be reserved through an app, which identifies the nearest available bike through GPS. Once reserved, a bike can be used for as long as the rider likes. When they’ve finished using the bike, riders need only leave it in the nearest allowed area (both at a bike rack or free standing), making sure to lock it. The bikes are easily identifiable through their silver aluminium frame, orange wheels and black seat.
The system, thanks to georeferencing, guarantees flexibility and better efficiency, involving just minor costs for management and maintenance compared to the fixed stations model. The program’s technology is managed in total autonomy by the user, who can visualize available bikes in the area, reserve one, unlock it at the beginning of use and relock it at the end, make payments, and signal maintenance issues or misuse by other users, all through a dedicated smartphone app. The service will be available every day, 24 hours a day; it will at first cover the municipal territory of Florence and will be gradually extended to the metropolitan area.
“Florence – said Mayor Dario Nardella – has made a definitive choice towards sustainable mobility, a choice that began with electric cars and taxis and that now offers, first city in Italy, an innovative free-flow bike-share program. Florence is a bike-friendly city: from now onwards choosing to cycle around Florence is going to be easier and faster. A new deal at the same time eco-sustainable and cultural, transforming Florence into a really smart city”.
The bikes employed in the bike–share system in Florence have an innovative design and are equipped with GPS, SIM card and a patented “smart lock” that can only be unlocked/locked by the dedicated APP. They have a body in silver aluminium, well-visible orange wheels and a black leather seat and black basket. Maintenance of the bike is reliable and safe both for users (riders behaviour is monitored and tariffs are modified accordingly, to encourage proper and responsible use) and to prevent damaging and theft (100% of bicycle components are not reusable on other bicycles, bicycles are traceable by GPS, have an anti-theft device and some components, i.e. the brakes, do not work if the bike is not activated through the APP).

01/08/2017 17.15
Città Metropolitana di Firenze


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